Thank you for visiting my portolio.

My academic background was in Mathematics, but I developed a curiosity in engineering. I'd like to share with you more about myself and the (side) projects I've worked on thus far in my career.

Although I primarily code in Javascript, I seek to learn new and current techologies during my free time.


Below are some of the projects I have worked on.

Post-game data visualizing application using Typescript, React, Redux, React-router, Victory, D3, Node, Express, Firebase, Jest, Riot Games' API


Search The Github
Search tool using React and Github's Search API

Search The Github

Game data visualization using HTML, CSS, jQuery, D3, React, React-router, Node, Express, Mongoose
(2016 - 2019)


Advice Generator
Chrome extension built with HTML, CSS, jQuery

Advice Generator

Board game with HTML5, SCSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, React, React-router, Node, Express, SocketIO
(2016, 2021)


Pokemon data using Typescript, React, React-router, Sass, Jest


Voice Texts
Chrome extension built with HTML, CSS, JQuery

Voice Texts

About Me

"Wake up determined. Go to bed satisfied. And somewhere in between eat a cookie.." - Dwayne Johnson

I graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a Bachelors in Mathematics in 2015 and Codesmith in Immersive Full Stack Javascript in 2016.  

Since then, I’ve learnt a great deal from interacting with people - within engineering, the gym, bowling alleys, etc. Gaining different perspectives helps provide a better and deeper understanding of things. With this, I've been able to bring various valuable opinions to the table. That being said, I like to work on projects after hours, from learning new technologies to explaining coding concepts to friends who want to get into and might already be in coding bootcamps or related fields. However, I do value work-life balance, sometimes not even doing anything directly engineering related some nights or weekends.

I'm a driven person, motivated by knowledge and the unknown. If I encounter a problem that I cannot solve, I'll find a solution first - then optimize it.

I also enjoy puns, jokes, and escape rooms.

"Goals on the road to achievement cannot be achieved without discipline and consistency." — Denzel Washington


If you have any questions, please contact me through LinkedIn.